I Just Had to Brag….

I rarely brag about my daughter and her milestones.  I don’t want other moms to read it and feel like their kids are way behind or anything.  (I feel that way when I read about other kids Erin’s age reciting their ABC’s and such.) But I did have to brag about this, because well, I think it’s pretty awesome!  Check out my 21 month old’s mad coloring skills!  (No, I did NOT help her in anyway!)


Winter Running Wednesday

I was commenting on a new runner’s blog about winter running and long distance training.  I shared a link with him regarding Yak Trax.  A type of winter “chain” for your shoes per say.  So you don’t slip on the ice and snow.  My mom got be a pair of Yak Trax Pro a few years ago for my winter running.  They work well, but my footing was still a little unstable on the wired cables.  As I checked out the Yak Trax website today I noticed something new (well, new to me) they now make Yak Trax for runners!!!  YIPPEE!!!  Image

Now for two questions:

1) Can I use this on the bare pavement (it’s NYC law to shovel your sidewalk of snow and ice) as well as snow and ice, or would this wear down the yak trax too much?

2) When will these be in my awesome hands, err, feet?

The End of January is Near….

That means it’s been a month (well 4 weeks) since I started my new 2013 goals!  I feel like I’m doing well, but I’m totally expecting myself to get burnt out very soon!  The tasks feel daunting sometimes, but the achievement of my goals are very rewarding to me personally.  Let’s see how I did during week 4:

*Jan 19 - 00:05*Goals as a runner:
1) Run at least 14 miles a week (2 miles a day) for the year.

My total mileage for the week was 20 miles! I was sans running partner again this week. I got out there anyway.  I skipped my usual Thursday evening run as it was extremely cold and windy.  Our apartment gets pretty chilly too in this weather and the couch with hot cocoa and a nice blanket were calling my name.  I made up for it with my 10 miler in the powder fresh snow Saturday morning though.  Felt great!

1) Have a business plan in place by June.
There was no sewing lesson this week, so I’m really anxious to get back to the machine on Friday!  My mother-in-law moved to China 2 years ago and has her machine in storage here.  She offered to give it to me.  I’m anxious to see it and learn about it.  They will be back for a visit around Chinese New Year.

Mommy & Housewife:
1) Organize one thing in the house each week for a year.

I’ve been cleaning the top of our dresser (the current dumping grounds) this week.  It’s like a never ending pile of stuff I don’t know where to put!  On a good note, the Kitchen Aid mixer my mother in law gave me when they moved was finally taken out of the box and placed in the kitchen cart.  I have decided to purge my cake dome.  I don’t use it much or rarely make cakes that high anymore.

2) Clean at least one thing in our home each day.
The place is clean….that’s that. 🙂

3) Finish cross stitching all of our darn stockings!
I’ve been keeping this up!  I’ve been finding it therapeutic, but my wrist is getting better at telling me my limits.

How has your first month been?  Feel free to share in the comments section below.  Only 48 more weeks to go!