Week 9!

Goodness, I just now realized it’s been a week since I last wrote a post!  Things are just so busy and I’m getting so tired!  I feel like I have a lot on my plate right now that I really need to start using my mobile app to post on the go.  I’m glad that I’m able to get this post out in time though! Here’s my weekly checkup.

Goals as a runner:

1) Run at least 14 miles a week (2 miles a day) for the year.

I got 23 miles in!  It felt so good to feel like I was fully back into the swing of my running after being sick for two weeks.  My half marathon is 3 weeks and I’m getting really excited for it.  I also signed up for the Brooklyn Half Marathon in May. I haven’t been able to do this race in 2 years and it’s one of my favorites! 😀

1) Have a business plan in place by June.

I have a tester for my idea.  I’m really excited about it and can’t wait to hear her opinions on this!

Mommy & Housewife:
1) Organize one thing in the house each week for a year.

Yeah…this got put on the back burner this week.  Well, I did clean out the cabinet in the kitchen.  It does look more organized!  My hubby just needs to go to Home Depot to get a replacement part for the shelf. Then, I can finish my plans.

Now that I have more sewing materials, I am in desperate need of some organization!  I’m hoping I can last until my birthday!

2) Clean at least one thing in our home each day.
Yep, right on track here.

3) Finish cross stitching all of our darn stockings!
I completed the husbands stocking and got started on Erin’s!  Now to just stay focused.

With spring around the corner, does anyone else feel more busy and exhausted as well? Only 43 more weeks to go!

Week 6…Excuses

Six weeks feels like a milestone for some reason.  So, I looked it up and found out this:

1) New Years resolutions start to fail around week 6

2) Girl Scout Cookies start to be sold.

Coincidence?  Maybe not.  It might be a “phase 2 challenge” the Girl Scouts decided to introduce so those who try to lose weight as a NY resolution are challenged to find out just how really serious they are about their new found goal.  Those cookies do seem to being shouting “just one!” at people. “It’s for a good cause!” Sneaky!

Well, here’s how serious I was regarding week 6 in 2013:

6Goals as a runner:
1) Run at least 14 miles a week (2 miles a day) for the year.

4 miles. Yes, that was all.  Just 4 miles.  I have some excuses though (I’m sure those munching on Girl Scout cookies do to): I came down with a cold last Tuesday.  It was inevitable: Ping came home with it a week prior, then Erin started a few days before me.  It was bound to happen.  Normally, I’ll run through a case of “the sniffles, ” but I felt like this was a little more serious than that….my body just felt tired. By the end of the week, I was feeling a little better, but then… Nemo happened!  Yeah, a foot of snow and high winds don’t make for a good 10 mile run.  I’m back at it this week though!

1) Have a business plan in place by June.

I haven’t really focused on this at all this week.  It’s okay though….You see, I read a chapter in a book for my bible study about “slowing down” in life. I’m not panicking about this.

Mommy & Housewife:
1) Organize one thing in the house each week for a year.

My omnigrid ruler and cutting mat have been stowed on the floor against the wall for the past few weeks.  I have a section of wall in our bedroom that would be perfect for a peg board to organize all my craft and sewing supplies. I found some peg board on Amazon and put it on my wishlist for my birthday.  Yesterday, I put a nail in the wall and hung my cutting mat and omnigrid ruler up. 🙂

2) Clean at least one thing in our home each day.
The In-laws arrived yesterday….let’s just say my house is spotless. 🙂

3) Finish cross stitching all of our darn stockings!
I only have the bordering to go on the hubby’s stocking! Then it’s on to Erin’s!  I’m so excited about this!

What were your 6 week excuses?  Only 46 more weeks to go!

Welcome February!

I can’t believe February is already here!  The Hubs better have something special planned for this year!  I know Erin and I have something cool to do today in preparation for the 14th. But, that’s not why I’m posting.  It’s Tuesday and exactly 5 weeks past the new year! Time to check in on our goals!

*Jan 19 - 00:05*Goals as a runner:
1) Run at least 14 miles a week (2 miles a day) for the year.

My total mileage for the week was 26 miles. Goodness that was a lot!  I’m looking forward to next week’s cutback week in my training cycle.  I even got a last minute afternoon run in with my running partner.  My long run was 10 miles again. It was a more difficult one this week as I was plagued by the ever so common to long distance runners: “runner’s trots.” I’d link that phrase to a site with an explanation, but it’s kind of a TMI issue, so I’ll let you as the reader choose to highlight it and “Google it” yourself. Never before have I had it that bad. I’ll be playing around with my meal planning this week!  I’m feeling better though and my run last night was a good easy 4 miler.  Looking forward to some more tonight…if the weather stays cold and dry (then I don’t have to deal with ice, so yes, I’d rather it feel like it’s in the teens out)

I also looked up some St. Patty’s day races/runs in my area.  My parents will be here and I’d love to have them come, maybe my mom can even participate (she does 5K’s with me when I visit them)!  I did find a 15K though (mom, you up for that?) nearby on the 16th.  That’s the weekend before my half marathon.  So, I’ll have to see what my body is saying as the time gets closer.

1) Have a business plan in place by June.
I finished my table runner!  Here is a picture of it! I was able to put a decorative stitch around the center.  It turned out pretty well, looks great on the buffet table and even DH likes it!

The runner was wider than the buffet table, so I simply let it hang off the back.  We use the drawers quiet often.

The runner was wider than the buffet table, so I simply let it hang off the back. We use the drawers quiet often.

Here is a close up shot.  You can see the decorative stitch I did.

Here is a close up shot. You can see the decorative stitch I did.

I got the materials for my next project and I’m so excited to get started this Friday!

Mommy & Housewife:
1) Organize one thing in the house each week for a year.

This week I got the bottom drawer of Erin’s dresser organized.  Before, it was just a dumping grounds for summer clothes and older clothes that no longer fit her.  I had a bag of larger clothes I picked up at our MOPS “swap n’ shop” last month.  I hung up those clothes in the closet and put the small clothes in the bag the large ones were in.  Her bath towels were moved to the dresser so I could have room for her quilt from her crib bedding to store in the drawer of her bed.  Organizing her clothes always seems like such a daunting task as a growing child makes it never ending! Plus, she is always getting into these two drawers and playing with everything!

2) Clean at least one thing in our home each day.
I really should start giving you a day by day report of this.  It will keep me more in check!

3) Finish cross stitching all of our darn stockings!
I’m seeing an end in sight to the hub’s stocking!! Thank God!

Keep it up all! We are doing great!  Only 47 more weeks to go!